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Advances in Complementary & Alternative medicine

Inhomogeneous Materials and Excited Brain Tissue Require Nonlinear Description

  • Open or CloseMaria Kuman*

    Holistic Research Institute, USA

    *Corresponding author: Maria Kuman, Holistic Research Institute, 1414 Barcelona Dr., Knoxville, TN 37923, USA

Submission: June 19, 2018;Published: January 23, 2019

DOI: 10.31031/ACAM.2018.03.000574

ISSN: 2637-7802
Volume3 Issue5


A parallel was made between semi-conducting organic polymers doped with conducting dopants, which made the polymers conducting, and a semi-conducting brain tissue flooded with electrically-charged neurotransmitters of excitation, which enlightened (excited) the whole brain. In both cases we are dealing with inhomogeneous media, which require nonlinear description. They both have hysteresis properties and are characterized by more than one frequency. In the way, the speed of solitons (nonlinear waves) in conducting polymers was determined from the low-intensity waves of their NMR spectra, the speed of solitons (nonlinear waves), which propagate in a creative enlightened mind with coherent waves, could be determined from the low-intensity waves of the brain’s magneto encephalograms (MEG). And we can predict the state of full creativity by the number of solitons (nonlinear waves) in the creative globally over-excited mind, which is in a coherent state..

Keywords: Nonlinear description; Inhomogeneous materials; Tissues; Coherent waves; Speed of solitons; Brain’s MEG

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