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Gastroenterology Medicine & Research

Cancer & Microbiota

Álvaro Zamudio Tiburcio1*, Héctor Bermúdez Ruiz2 and Pedro Antonio Reyes López3

1Department of Gastroenterology, Mexico

2Department of Endoscopy, Mexico

3Department of Cardiology, Mexico

*Corresponding author: Álvaro Zamudio Tiburcio, Department of Gastroenterology, Intestinal Microbiota Transplantation Hospital Trinidad, Mexico

Submission: September 03, 2019;Published: September 26, 2019

DOI: 10.31031/GMR.2019.03.000569

ISSN 2637-7632
Volume3 Issue4


Commenting on positive aspects is sometimes idle. However, to say that the oncological processes will soon be corrected, is something that would undoubtedly please many people [1] above all, for being such frequent and morbid conditions. The basis of the foregoing is the better knowledge of the functions of the Intestinal Microbiota and its dysbiosis [2]. Super-organ, which can improve cancer [3] either as a transplant or as specific microorganisms [4]. All of the above is a fact at present, [5] which will surely turn around cancer surgery, as well as conventional treatments.

Keywords:Microbiome Intestinal Microbiota Transplantation (IMT); Cancer


It has been suggested that the Intestinal Microbiota can modulate the effectiveness of cancer therapies, especially immunotherapy [6]. Huge and interesting is the literature currently available on Intestinal Microbiota, its transplant and oncological processes. Based on this, in addition to being happy for a prompt cure of cancer, what will happen gradually. We must try to conduct the process, so that it is in a rational way. In the near future, we will see that the surgical procedures will decrease in a continuous way, as well as the use of chemotherapies and radiotherapy, and different methodologies will arise in the use of the Intestinal Microbiota. Huge and interesting is the literature currently available on Intestinal Microbiota, its transplant and oncological processes. Based on this, in addition to being happy for a prompt cure of cancer, what will happen gradually.


Intestinal Microbiota Transplantation is a methodology that can be used in patients affected by Cancer, due to its good results.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare that they do NOT have affiliation or participation in organizations with financial interests.

Ethical approval

This report it does not have any study with human or animal subjects carried out by the authors.

Informed consent

The authors obtained informed written consent from the patient, in order to develop this article.


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  6. Chen D, Wu J, Jin D, Wang B, Cao H (2019) Fecal microbiota transplantation in cancer management: Current status and perspectives. Int J Cancer 145(8): 2021-2031.

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